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#18114 Anti-Human SCF (K151) Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify

  • WB
Intended Use:
Research reagents
Package Size1:
100 μg
Note on Application Abbreviations
WB:Western Blotting

※ The product indicated as "Research reagents" in the column Intended Use cannot be used
  for diagnostic nor any medical purpose.
※ The datasheet listed on this page is sample only. Please refer to the datasheet
  enclosed in the product purchased before use.

Product Overview

Product Overview

Product Code 18114
Product Name Anti-Human SCF (K151) Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
Intended Use Research reagents
Application WB
Species Human
Immunizing antigen Synthetic peptide for a part of Human SCF
Purification Method Affinity Purified with synthetic peptide
Specificity Cross React to Mouse and Rat SCF
Package Form Lyophilized product from 1% BSA in PBS containing 0.05%NaN3
Storage Condition 2 - 8℃
Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Applicable
Cartagena Not Applicable
Package Size 1 100 μg
Remarks1 The commercial use of products without our permission is prohibited. Please make sure to contact us and obtain permission.

Product Description

Product Description

Stem cell factor (SCF) and its receptor KIT play an important role in various biologic phases, such as hematopoiesis, reproduction, and regeneration.  Structurally, c-Kit contains five immunoglobulin-like domains extracellularly and a catalytic domain divided into two regions by a 77 amino acid insert intracellularly. Studies in white spotting and steel mice have shown that functional SCF and c-Kit are critical in the survival and development of stem cells involved in hematopoiesis, pigmentation and reproduction. Mutations in c-Kit are associated with a variety of human diseases. Interaction of SCF with c-Kit rapidly induces receptor dimerization and increases in autophosphorylation activity. Downstream of c-Kit, multiple signal transduction components are activated, including phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, Src family members, the JAK/STAT pathway and the Ras-Raf-MAP kinase cascade.